Friday, August 26, 2011

Xishan "light" 500 solar led street light

WASHINGTON reporter Yang Guanrong report "when the solar lights will be lit at night, be convenient?" Recently, Xishan "green light project" a leadership group this year to install 568 solar led street light for preliminary acceptance.

"Green light" implementation of the project is the implementation of clean energy strategy Xishan, the concrete embodiment of a low carbon economy, it is not an end to the mountains of rural history of public lighting facilities, to achieve a "low-carbon, green, energy saving, environmental protection" goals. Up to now, more than 300 million investment in Xishan District in Haikou, Biji, united neighborhood offices, installation of 568 solar street light. Technically, this 568 year solar lights can be reduced more than 50 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Since 2008, the Xishan mountain village in the rural areas, especially roads, public places and schools to promote use of solar photovoltaic lighting technology. Through the city, district, street (community, village groups) three linkage, integration of resources, integrated planning, to point, and the application of modern scientific and technological achievements to the new socialist countryside construction. "Green light" project goal is, from 2008 to 2013, with six years, invested 24 million yuan in rural street, rural public places, school district more than 3,000 solar led street light installation.

Small solar lights that the community can save much energy? Determined in accordance with the relevant authorities and experts, each solar street light can save 438 kWh of electricity per year and 155 kg of standard coal, 106 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. Even so, such as the 2013 Xishan can be installed using 3000 solar led street lights, annual savings of about 1.3 million kWh of electricity and 460 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 300 tons.

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